Six of Pentacles -

Tarot Card Meaning

Part of a full-series guide of all 78 Tarot Cards. See the full guide here.

Written by Made Musings


At a glance:

This card embodies the spirit of charity, generosity, and the distribution of resources.

Upright Keywords:
Charity, generosity, sharing wealth

Reversed Keywords:
unpaid debts, one-way giving

6 - harmony, balance, and symmetry

Six of Pentacles: Upright Meaning

The Six of Pentacles tarot card features a wealthy man in a red robe giving coins to two beggars. In his left hand, he holds a balanced scale, symbolizing equality and fairness. This card embodies the spirit of charity, generosity, and the distribution of resources. It signifies a flow of giving and receiving, reminding us that what we put out into the world often comes back to us. Depending on your current situation, you could be the giver or the receiver, each role carrying its own responsibilities and rewards.

Numerology and Suit Meaning:

  • In numerology, the number 6 symbolizes harmony, balance, and symmetry. The number 6 often relates to domesticity and the home, emphasizing the importance of mutuality in a harmonious environment.

  • The suit of Pentacles governs the material and physical world. It has dealings with wealth, career, business, and health. This can also lead to emotional impacts on self-esteem and status.

  • Elementally, pentacles correspond with Earth. It is the physical foundation that we stand on. Much like how we till the land to grow crops and flowers, our hard work leads to material gain. At the same time, we must care for and protect our garden like how we do the same for our bodies.


The Six of Pentacles love meaning suggests a dynamic filled with support and generosity. This card indicates a healthy balance of give and take, where both partners contribute and benefit from the relationship. It emphasizes the importance of mutual support and the joy of sharing resources, whether they are emotional, financial, or otherwise. Continue to be generous with your time, affection, and resources, but also be open to receiving support from your partner. Discuss and agree on how to share responsibilities and resources fairly.


In the context of career and finances, the Six of Pentacles heralds positive developments. You might find yourself receiving a raise, bonus, or mentorship from a superior. This card also suggests that an investor might be willing to support your projects. It encourages the sharing of wealth and resources, implying that generosity in the workplace can foster a supportive and thriving environment. Consider ways to give back, such as volunteering for a cause, mentoring a coworker, or offering your expertise to help someone in need.


On a personal and spiritual level, the Six of Pentacles emphasizes the importance of generosity and gratitude. It encourages you to share your blessings with others and to recognize the value of both giving and receiving. This card can also suggest a need to balance your spiritual practices with acts of kindness and service to others. Look for opportunities to help others, whether through charitable donations, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear. Reflect on a time when someone was generous in helping you. In what ways can you pay it forward?

This card indicates a healthy balance of give and take, where all parties contribute and benefit from the relationship.


The suit of Pentacles in tarot is deeply connected to the element of Earth, representing the physical realm and material aspects of life. This association aligns with the zodiac earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, reflecting their grounded nature and practical approach to life. These earth signs embody stability, sensuality, practicality, and attention to detail. Their characteristics also mirror the Pentacles' emphasis on hard work, responsibility, and achieving goals. Together, these earth signs and the Pentacles suit remind us of the importance of grounding ourselves in reality, nurturing our physical well-being, and building a solid foundation for success and prosperity.

Note: It's important to recognize that not everyone incorporates astrology into their Tarot readings. The extent to which astrological references are used can vary greatly among readers. Each reader has a unique approach; some may draw heavily on astrological archetypes, while others might not use them at all. This information is meant to offer an additional perspective that could be helpful in your interpretations by highlighting parallels between Tarot and Astrology.

Although some argue that astrology wasn't originally part of Tarot, more modern interpretations like the Rider Waite Smith and Thoth decks may have integrated astrological concepts to align with their modern time mystical beliefs. Many contemporary decks made in this current decade also feature astrological references. Ultimately, every individual develops their own unique relationship with both Tarot and Astrology.

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Six of Pentacles indicates a situation where generosity has become a one-way street, with people taking advantage of your kindness or giving more than you can afford. When this card appears, it calls for a reassessment of your boundaries and the dynamics of your relationships. Evaluate your current relationships and financial dealings to ensure fairness and balance. Protect yourself from being exploited by setting clear boundaries and expectations. Conversely, if you are taking more than giving, consider how you can contribute more fairly.

Meet the Made Musings Tarot Deck: The ultimate deck for beginners.

  • Our 78-card deck and comprehensive guidebook offer you the perfect tools for your daily readings.

    Every set also comes with a velvet gift bag that serves dual functions. Use it as a stylish carrying pouch for your deck or a cleansing cloth in between readings.

    Plus, this keeps your tarot cards in tip-top shape and means you can easily take them on-the-go.

  • Our compact 188-page guidebook, aptly named the Little Black Book, offers the meanings behind each Tarot allowing both beginners and experts to interpret effectively.

    From the Author: “When I was learning Tarot, I always fumbled with the bigger books, so my readings didn’t feel quite as seamless. I felt inspired to write a small book that was easy to flip through in a pinch, yet full of information. I truly hope this book helps people wherever they are in their Tarot reading journey.”

    HARDCOVER VERSION (newly updated for 2024!) - features 190 pages, color printed CMYK

    PAPERBACK VERSION - features 188 pages, black and white pages

  • The Cards:

    -2 5/8" x 4 3/4"

    -gloss finish, gold edges

    -card weight: 400g - a heavier card for those that prefer to shuffle slowly and methodically

    -78 tarot cards PLUS a bonus lunar card.

    Note: Illustrations are from the classic 1909 - 1910 deck that was hand-illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.

    -Deck comes packaged in a sturdy, slider box.

    -Back of the cards features gold accents (true gold foil)

    Deck Box

    -3 1/8" x 1 3/4" x 5" h

    -hardcover (best way to protect your cards!), features gold accents, slider closure

    Velvet Bag:

    -KNOT BAG fabric: smooth ribbed velvet, self-lined (option 1)

    -DRAWSTRING BAG fabric: velvet, unlined (option 2)

    -color: black

    -You can count on either the luxurious velvet or the rib texture to stand up to the wear-and-tear of everyday travel.


Share your blessings with others and to recognize the value of both giving and receiving.

Learn More about Tarot.