How to Cleanse and Prep Your Tarot Deck before a Reading

Do I Need to Cleanse a New Tarot Deck?

Generally yes, you should. Cleansing a tarot deck is a very important step before a reading in order to rid the deck of any outside energy. Every reading, whether for yourself or others, can leave behind energy that can cloud future readings. By resetting your deck to a neutral state, you remove any lingering energies and create a clean slate for more accurate interpretations.

Don’t worry if you forgot to cleanse your deck before performing a reading! It’s never too late to start. All it means is that your previous readings might contain mixed messages since energies and intentions are more muddled. You can get started in a pinch!

Everyone has their own cleansing rituals, from simple methods like shuffling the deck to using crystals, incense, or moonlight energy. Find a method that resonates with you to ensure each reading starts fresh and unbiased.

Method 1: Lay your tarot cards under moonlight overnight. Many people enjoy doing this under the light of the full moon, since the Moon often represents cycles, recharging, and clarity.

Method 2: Burn incense over your tarot cards. Palos Santos and dried sage are favorite tools.

Method 3: Place a crystal on top of the tarot deck. Crystals are believed to work through their unique vibrational frequencies and energy properties, which can interact with our own energies to promote healing, balance, and overall well-being. Use a crystal with an energy that resonates with you or your intentions. Here’s a starter list of some tarot card cleansing crystals you can use.

  • Clear Quartz: Known as the master healer, clear quartz is excellent for cleansing and purifying energy. It amplifies positive energy and dispels negativity.

  • Smoky Quartz: Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy, helping to cleanse and purify the environment.

  • Black Tourmaline: Protects against negative energy and helps cleanse and purify the energy around you.

  • Amethyst and Selenite (combo!): Pairing these two can provide a powerful combination of calm and purification, creating a serene and cleansed environment.

Method 4: Wrap your tarot cards in a cloth bag. Many people love the feel of velvet, and it’s also a great way to protect and carry your cards.

Method 5: Shuffle the deck /  Cut the deck. This is the fastest way to cleanse and generally good practice before readings. Let your hands guide what feels right. Take a deep breath. Clear your mind and then set an intention. Focus on what you’re asking the deck. While shuffling, keep your intention in mind and let your energy intertwine with the cards.

Different Cleansing Methods:

Check out these ideas to help you get started! Don’t be afraid to experiment, mix things up, or combine techniques.

The most important thing is that you clear your mind and the deck of lingering energies before you start a new reading. Happy cleansing!