Page of Wands -

Tarot Card Meaning

Part of a full-series guide of all 78 Tarot Cards. See the full guide here.

Written by Made Musings


At a glance:

The Page of Wands signifies the potential in new opportunities and possesses a long-term vision.

Upright Keywords:
Potential, adventure, endless ideas, eagerness to start something new

Reversed Keywords:
unreliability, lack of follow-through, uncommitted

Court Card Association:
Page - young, excitable, learning phase

Page of Wands: Upright Meaning

The Page of Wands stands in a barren desert, adorned in a tunic imprinted with salamanders. He gazes intently at his wand, pondering the endless possibilities it represents. This card signifies a person who sees the potential in new opportunities and possesses a long-term vision. However, he may not have acted on his ideas yet, needing a solid plan to bring his visions to life. The Page of Wands encourages you to harness your creativity and enthusiasm to embark on new ventures.

Court Card Association and Suit Meaning:

  • Pages are the messengers of Tarot (pay attention to emails, text, news, etc). They can also represent a young person or an excitable, learning phase.

  • The suit of wands primarily symbolizes passion, creativity, determination, and drive. These feelings lead us to take inspired action and manifest our dreams. There is often also an aspect of overcoming challenges or travel.

  • Elementally, wands are correlated to fire. Like our ambitions, fire is a source of energy. It can help create change such as transforming raw materials into porcelain or metal. However, when it loses control and becomes impulsive, it can lead to destruction.


The Page of Wands love meaning indicates potential for adventure and excitement. While grand plans and dreams are exciting, there may be a lack of follow-through on either their part or your part. While the start of something new is alluring and thrilling, this energy can just as easily fizzle out. This could point to an immature person or someone with an unfiltered, passionate aura. If there is presence of pure, passionate energy in a connection, there will be a need to balance this intensity with healthy boundaries and realistic expectations. Sometimes a little push, a solid plan, and some commitment might be all that’s needed.


The Page of Wands signals the arrival of a new role or project that can significantly advance your career. This card encourages you to seize the opportunity with enthusiasm and to be proactive by creating a well-thought-out plan. While the initial excitement is crucial, it is equally important to recognize that you may not yet possess all the experience or tools required to achieve your goals. This moment calls for a meticulously crafted plan of action, ensuring that your enthusiasm is channeled into productive and strategic steps.

As the messengers of the Tarot, Pages often signify a call to gather your team and resources. Perhaps someone has approached you with an offer that necessitates collaboration and support. Wands, symbolizing confident energy and dynamic action, remind you to trust in your ability to navigate this new venture. Invite the confident energy of the Wands, believing in your capacity to overcome challenges and figure things out as you progress. This card encourages you to blend your excitement with careful planning, assembling the necessary resources and support to get the job done.


On a personal level, the Page of Wands signifies the beginning of a journey brimming with potential and fresh discoveries. Inspired and eager, you are ready to explore new ideas resonate that with your passions. This card encourages you to allow your curiosity to guide you, taking the next step if you feel drawn to new opportunities. It represents our inner child discovering their personal power and abilities, tapping into their talents and feeling the initial spark of inspiration that can lead to great achievements. The Page of Wands embodies your passion in its purest form, urging you to pursue your dreams with a heart full of enthusiasm and an open mind. Trust that this will lead you to where you’re supposed to be.

The Page of Wands often represents our inner child discovering their personal power and abilities, tapping into their talents and feeling the initial spark of inspiration that can lead to great achievements.


The suit of Wands in tarot is closely associated with the element of Fire, symbolizing energy, passion, and creativity. This fiery connection resonates profoundly with the zodiac fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, reflecting their dynamic, enthusiastic, and adventurous nature. The fire signs embody initiative, courage, ambition, creativity, and personal power. They are natural born leaders. Together, these fire signs and the Wands remind us of the transformative power of having the passion and courage in igniting our desires.

Note: It's important to recognize that not everyone incorporates astrology into their Tarot readings. The extent to which astrological references are used can vary greatly among readers. Each reader has a unique approach; some may draw heavily on astrological archetypes, while others might not use them at all. This information is meant to offer an additional perspective that could be helpful in your interpretations by highlighting parallels between Tarot and Astrology.

Although some argue that astrology wasn't originally part of Tarot, more modern interpretations like the Rider Waite Smith and Thoth decks may have integrated astrological concepts to align with their modern time mystical beliefs. Many contemporary decks made in this current decade also feature astrological references. Ultimately, every individual develops their own unique relationship with both Tarot and Astrology.

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Page of Wands indicates that you have had many big ideas, but none have progressed past the initial stages. This could be due to a lack of direction, fear of failure, or insufficient planning. The reversed Page of Wands encourages you to find the idea you are most passionate about and commit to seeing it through this time. Focus your energy on creating a detailed plan and take actionable steps to bring it to life. Overcome any fear of failure by breaking down the project into manageable tasks and celebrating small victories along the way. Stay committed to your vision and don't let setbacks deter you.

Meet the Made Musings Tarot Deck: The ultimate deck for beginners.

  • Our 78-card deck and comprehensive guidebook offer you the perfect tools for your daily readings.

    Every set also comes with a velvet gift bag that serves dual functions. Use it as a stylish carrying pouch for your deck or a cleansing cloth in between readings.

    Plus, this keeps your tarot cards in tip-top shape and means you can easily take them on-the-go.

  • Our compact 188-page guidebook, aptly named the Little Black Book, offers the meanings behind each Tarot allowing both beginners and experts to interpret effectively.

    From the Author: “When I was learning Tarot, I always fumbled with the bigger books, so my readings didn’t feel quite as seamless. I felt inspired to write a small book that was easy to flip through in a pinch, yet full of information. I truly hope this book helps people wherever they are in their Tarot reading journey.”

    HARDCOVER VERSION (newly updated for 2024!) - features 190 pages, color printed CMYK

    PAPERBACK VERSION - features 188 pages, black and white pages

  • The Cards:

    -2 5/8" x 4 3/4"

    -gloss finish, gold edges

    -card weight: 400g - a heavier card for those that prefer to shuffle slowly and methodically

    -78 tarot cards PLUS a bonus lunar card.

    Note: Illustrations are from the classic 1909 - 1910 deck that was hand-illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.

    -Deck comes packaged in a sturdy, slider box.

    -Back of the cards features gold accents (true gold foil)

    Deck Box

    -3 1/8" x 1 3/4" x 5" h

    -hardcover (best way to protect your cards!), features gold accents, slider closure

    Velvet Bag:

    -KNOT BAG fabric: smooth ribbed velvet, self-lined (option 1)

    -DRAWSTRING BAG fabric: velvet, unlined (option 2)

    -color: black

    -You can count on either the luxurious velvet or the rib texture to stand up to the wear-and-tear of everyday travel.


While the initial excitement is crucial, it is equally important to recognize that you may not yet possess all the experience or tools required to achieve your goals.

Learn More about Tarot.